Sunday, November 23, 2014

Weekend Adventures

Friday night was Lauren's birthday dinner where we met some newcomers to Malawi--a frenchman who is one of our Norweigan's friends boyfriend and a french canadian who is living in scotland and doing work in Malawi and will be moving here in January. Saturday was a really cool music festival at a refugee camp. This camp is home to 22,000 refugees from all over Africa. We also have the pups while Chris and Lauren go away for her birthday. They're so cute! I love them!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Driving in the Rain

It really is rainy season! Rained twice today, not just rain but downpour! It was scary driving in it! Had my favorite dinner by Chef Ben--gorgonzala pasta :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

In a cooking mood?

After having a phenomenal dining week in Dubai, was craving something fresh and original so made a recipe with chickpeas, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, curry, and more. it didn't taste as good as i imagined, probably because i'm a terrible chef.

First Rain

Yesterday, it was the first real rain of the rainy season, or so i'm told. It was very exciting and cooled down quite a bit! I also had a very frustrating bittersweet morning with a patient that was referred to me for cancer counseling from Blandina. It was a typically sad story of a lady highly mismanaged at the district level, then at the tertiary level with wrong surgical procedure, and then referred to chemo with an extremely unpleasant patient doctor interaction that actually led her to make the choice of not receiving treatment and just praying. This was the reason she was sent to me, so i can convince her to get the treatment which I did successfully and thanks to the help of Ella (amazing cancer nurse) was even able to get started that day. This lady was so sweet, the poor quality of care and lack of knowledge and most importantly patient accountability is disgraceful.

evidence of first rain, trying to catch the rain drops!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Back from Dubai

I just returned yesterday from a meeting in Dubai. My mom came out to meet me too so i spent a couple of days after the meeting to spend time with her which was wonderful. It was nice be greeted at the airport for a change! So far, i've always been the one there greeting people! We went home quickly so I can shower and then went to Lauren and Chris's for a BBQ which was great. Today was first day back at work and finally my breast exam simulator arrived! It's very awesome and i'm so excited to use it. Ben and I also went to our fave lunch spot: papaya!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Blogging from Dubai--Ben's birthday celebrations

Hi, sorry Ben and I have both been very busy at work and traveling and hosting Tim and Judy. I am currently in Dubai for an amazing meeting on the Lancet Commission on Global surgery.  Ben is at a luxurious beach hotel in Mangochi, Malawi on the lake for a meeting and just met the Minister of Gender.

Anyway, Last Saturday Ben turned 30 and we went out to his favorite Indian Restaurant for dinner as seen below!

Tim and Judy left yesterday and they had a great time. We spent a few days to traveling to Zambia and Botswana which was awesome! Tim and Judy spent some time on the Lake too.  We miss them!

Ben's 30th birthday dinner

Lily and Ben at Devils Pool in Victoria Falls Zambia

Tim and Judy on our Botswana Safari

Dinner in Safari Lodge