Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Interlude: NC prep

I'll be leaving for Malawi (with Coco in tow) 2 weeks from today.  In the meantime, I've been relaxing in North Carolina with family and friends ... and working through the massive to-do list Lily left me with.

Yesterday was vaccination day.  I ended up getting a tdap booster, along with typhoid and hep a shots.  I've done travel vaccines before so thought it was no big deal and was feeling fine after the first two shots.  Once I got the 3rd though, I immediately felt nauseous and light-headed and started to black out.  Luckily the very nice nurse pictured below got me to the bed before I hit the floor.  I laid there dazed for a few minutes, sweat as much as I do when I run 10 miles, and learned that (in this nurse's experience at least) this kind of stuff only happens to men.  10 minutes later I felt normal enough to drive home.  Surreal experience but I guess it's a fair trade off to eliminate the minuscule chance of lockjaw, typhoid, or something else equally unpleasant.

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