Saturday, October 11, 2014

Some Backtracking on the blog

the past 2 weeks have been quite busy! my friend Catherine came to visit in Malawi and then we went to Cape Town with her too. Ben already posted about our lake of stars experience so I won't mention that--other than it was fun.  Otherwise, we had our first dinner guests--Lauren and Chris and  we had our first petsitting--Max and Teddy, the amazing pups of Lauren and Chris, and we celebrated Rosh Hashana with some fellow jews and non-jews. Our friend Yoel even played the banjo and one of the guests made amazing Challah!  Other than Lake of Stars Catherine and I had some Lilongwe market adventures and a fun embassy event as my friend Ian was ending his embassy internship.

Yoel and his Banjo

Max and Teddy ready to come over to our house in the cube

Catherine's first night in Lilongwe..dinner at Mediterraneo

Max giving me kisses

the crazy manmade bridge to cross in between the markets. I was scared!

Catherine and I on the bridge

the chitenje market

Max greeting me

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