Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 20: Reassurance of why I never want a house or car

The past couple of days were a series of house/car issues, all of which made me feel reassured with the decision to live in a compound.  The compound is more expensive, but it has everything included in the price and a manager for the property. There are 2 cars here but we only use one because the other is a stick shift. Kelly starts that car every week but yesterday it wouldn't start. The mechanic came today and said it needed more distilled water and some grease for the engine, so he'll pick it up and service it tomorrow morning.  Next the chlorinated water tub has been leaking everything out. Then the outdoor water well is also overflowing.  And since last night the power was out and we realized that suddenly it was because we were out of units (electricity is prepaid units here---I like it better! more environmentally friendly because it makes you think and be cautious). However, we just bought about 2 weeks worth of electricity 1 week ago and have barely been home and turn everything off all the time. We think something is wrong with system since a major fuse blew out a few weeks ago. The landlord came by but wasn't super helpful.

On a brighter note... I just received this fun email from this awesome artisan shop I visited on saturday! Looking forward to these fun events from one of Lilongwe's hidden gems


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