Tuesday, May 12, 2015


ok, long time no blog...its been a very crazy past few weeks, but also mostly fun!

On April 26 I was off to London for the launch of the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery. Its been 18 months in the making and quite a fun journey. I was in London for a really short period of time--3 days and it took almost 2 days each way to travel. I've always loved London, but this time i realized how much i really love London. The one day I had to just hang out, all we did was walk and eat! The conference itself was pretty good. It was good to see people I haven't in a while and met some really great new people as well.

starting the day right with amazing shakshuka made by Gabe

the amazing Columbia Flower market

my heaven: amazing cheese shop

delicious brunch with my hosts Julie and Gabe

couldn't get enough cheese, after lunch and hunter boot shopping went back to cheese shop for wine and cheese

the lego floor at Hamleys: a phone and phone booth made of legos!

my CSPH mentor Robert and friend Shilpa-aka Team Rwanda

my Malawi surgery friends

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