We've officially been in our house for a week now and are starting to feel settled. It came furnished but we still have ended up needing several marathon shopping trips where we hit seemingly every store in town to pick up this (more silverware, glasses, cleaning supplies) and that (towels, a mop and bucket, plates, etc). Now we have everything we need and have moved on to trying to make the place feel a bit less impersonal.
Step 1 was a trip to Coffin Road (the reason for the nickname of the road became quickly apparent) where we hired a guy to make a desk for us:
Here's the dining room table (this one came with the house):
The living room:
Our rain shower, which unfortunately has been a bit of a water pressure headache:
And our bedroom:
Guest bedroom and kitchen unpictured. All in all, while there have been some minor annoyances, a very nice place that is feeling less and less like a hotel room every day.
looks very hommy