Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Return Home :)

Lilongwe definitely feels like home now. I arrived back last tuesday and its been really nice to be back and also really sad to be leaving so soon. One of the couples we were really good friends with now left so it was sad to say Bye, but they they live in London so we will definitely be able to see each other, which i'm very much looking forward to. We had a fun weekend of Malawi World cup soccer tournament where Ben played on the Australia team even though there was only 1 Australian.  We saw the Vagina Monologues on Saturday night which was very good. It was a whole drama to get it put on, but i'm glad that they did. The Malawi censorship board actually didn't allow it and there was all this protest on social media. Anything related to women is still very taboo here, especially with sensitive issues like rights, violence, and even menstruation! The production was excellent. Sunday we hung out with friends and watched The Wire.

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