Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Tiwonana in 6 weeks!

I'm currently at the JoBerg airport on my long layover to NYC. The last 2 nights were nice but of course bittersweet. I'm really glad i'm coming back at the end of August so i will still be able to see most of my friends and of course a more manageable time to be apart from Ben. Actually the last 2 summers we spent 4-6 weeks living in different places (Boston- NC and Malawi-NC). On friday night, I had an impromptu farewell dinner at one of my favorite restaurants in town--Fantasia, korean. Tuesday during the day we had a nice lunch with Jared. Dr. Charles was supposed to come, but got stuck in the hospital. Our last night we moved some of the stuff i'm leaving into Ben's new Malawi home which is very nice, hung out with a friend for like 30 minutes while we had an electricity outage. Then I made us a feast for dinner.

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