Friday, January 2, 2015

Best Present: South Luanga

Last weekend Ben and I went on our first international road trip in South Lunaga, Zambia for an incredible Safari. Our cube thankfully made it with no problems. At the border crossing we met this Norwegian family who was also driving themselves to South Luanga. We then actually met them again in our lodge and it turns out it was the Norwegian ambassador and his family. We have a friend who works in their embassy who of course they knew and liked alot. We spent a lot of time talking to them throughout the stay. Our lodge was amazing. It was actually inside the park so you didn't even have to leave the lodge to feel like safari. When we arrived we were greeted by warthogs, baboons, hippos, and impalla. We had a beautiful 2 story chalet on the river bed, which sadly was dried out from sever droughts, the rain was late this year. We could just sit on our balcony and watch the animals. Zebra came by too one day. The drives were awesome too. We saw 5 leopards on 5 different occasions. We also saw a python and wild dogs and lions eating a baby hippo. on our last morning, it was a torrential down pour which was good for the animals. we still went out which was interesting becuase we saw some animals taking cover under trees, but we got absolutely drenched.

Our arrival amazing lunch

sundowners by the river

Couples massage at the bush spa overlooking the hippo pool

lion eating baby hippo

the other lion was full from hippo and taking nap

the beautiful thornicroft girrafe only seen in South Luanga

one of hte leoapards we saw

out in the pouring rain

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