Saturday, January 24, 2015

First 2 weeks of Study!

Been a hectic 2 weeks so haven't had as much time to blog. My study officially started on January 9 and it has been off to a great start. They already enrolled over 100 women in the study. There has been tremendous enthusiasm and most people wants to participate. There is even demand from staff including nurses to have a CBE by one of my ladies so we are actually arranging a special clinic where people who can't really be in the study but want an exam can come. The team is awesome and is even making a breast cancer song. Maggie's son is a musician so they are going to the studio to record. Yesterday, we met with the head of NCDs at the Ministry of Health. She is awesome and was very supportive of all the work. She is also helping me try to get the Breast Course into fruition.

the most amazing team!

the new Fogarty site director Dr. Ben Chi comes to visit. 

interesting new drink I decided to try. I used to love cream soda as a kid, but this was different. It was green and didn't taste quiet right. 

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