Wednesday, February 25, 2015

crazy day and fun night

Another day of mixed emotions. First, I've been calling my friend and cancer nurse Ella since 2 nights ago to coordinate taking her car and my driver on a journey to deliver the breast course books. It took me a while to get in touch with her, but miraculously the second participant from the other district called and said he will give my phone number to his boss who is at a meeting in lilongwe. She then called and sent her driver to collect the books/course materials. I then learned that there is a meeting of all the district health officers in lilongwe. It was so frustrating because if there was enough planning and foresight i could have easily met with them all and passed out the materials if they had the participants ready. I was then put in touch with one them and he told another of the leaders about the course. She hadn't heard it before although she was supposed to get the invitation email. Anyway at least she came to my office to meet me and get the books. She doesn't have the participants yet, but will get them to me by friday. I was also running around like crazy with some clinic patients and study patients, but all was fine in the end. At night we went to try this new no frills Indian restaurant. We did take away because it wasn't a nice atmosphere, but the food was amazing! we then watched the oscars!

Ben waiting for our food to go

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