I now have become quite good at making Mac and Cheese! I made dinner AGAIN Monday night. We also discovered a funny sign at one of our nearby shopping plazas. It is a barber shop, but has pictures of various U.S. figures on its sign. I also had a heart to heart with one my ladies. Her partner left early because she wasn't feeling well, so I taught her how to use the computer so she can enter the data. It was her first time using a computer. she did pretty well! We also talked about her teenage daughter some. Sadly she had to transfer her from the better more expensive school to the lesser quality school because of financial reasons. Her husband has been unemployed since July and she just started working for me in December. In Malawi, everyone has to pay school fees for public school after primary school. So there is no free schooling. Its really sad and explains a lot about educational attainment and cycle of poverty.
Lol at the barber shop having Obama and p diddy!