Friday, February 13, 2015

Perfectionist and Ana's last meal

My team overall has been amazing. Today we actually reached 1/3 of our sample size---in one month of work!! Incredible. However, we have been having some communication issues and some minor issues on the data collection. However, these issues have been building up and today came to a head in a big discussion on research vs. service and my "management"style. Basically, sometimes I get mad and are mean. I don't think I'm mean, but they are very sensitive and I know I get frustrated really easy and i can see how I can come off mean. Its because I have no patience. I think we resolved all the issues, but I still feel bad they were upset because they really have been doing an absolutely incredible job. I never dreamed it would be possible to get to 1/3 of the sample size in 1 month. Ive learned my lesson and I plan to give them cards and chocolate

Ana, our Swedish friend that Ben met at UNICEF, is leaving on Saturday so we had her over for dinner last night.

Another great highlight of the week was Dr. Ruth English, a British breast ultrasonographer was here for the week. It was wonderful to have her around and do some QA/QC. It was actually quite enlightening and informative. We are now working towards setting up a teleradiology system with her! i will also come visit her in Oxford when i got to London for the commission launch.

Ben and Anna

my new tailored skirt

1 comment:

  1. LOL at your team thinking you are mean. This post has to be the funniest one yet :) I am laughing out loud at "its because I have no patience." I love you!!!!
