Thursday, December 25, 2014

arts and crafts disaster and christmas eve

i think anytime i get too close to the kitchen or in the kitchen for too long some disaster happens. We bought these really cool wine glasses, tumblers, and vase locally made from recyled wine bottles. Of course I had the vase in the car unwrapped and stupidly dropped it on another glass coke bottle and it broke. I decided I would glue it back together with superglue and use it as a candle holder in the meantime. so first I got the superglue all over my fingers and then spent the night trying to use acetone to get it off (thankfully its mostly gone by today). I also inadvertently super glued small peices of sharp glass to the counter which i discovered when i went to clean up and tore my finger on it, on my right hand no less, i'm still in pain today. Otherwise, we had a lovely Christmas eve with Lauren and Chris. We had salad, roasted eggplant, deviled eggs, mac and cheese, and cheese platter snacks.  Of course we did the Wildfire Family Tradition with watching Its a Wonderful life, on the projector.

My failed art project

My poor finger

Our cool new wine glasses

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