Monday, December 1, 2014

Thankful for Kaya Mawa!!

truly a paradise! This is voted on of the top 10 resorts in Africa by Conde Naste among numerous other awards. It was an incredible weekend getaway and much needed after the stress of last week.  We got upgraded to an incredible premium room as a surprise, then when I said it was Ben's birthday present we also got a free champage bottle! The food and service was amazing. the lake was unbelievble, felt like was in the maldives and not a lake. We took a small 12 seater plane there with 6 passengers total and each had our own seat. then on the way back it was a tiny 4 seater and i actually sat in the co pilot seat! it was scary on take off and landing but rest of the ride was really cool and smooth. the food was amazing--Jaime Oliver trained british chef. We also got massages and went quad biking around the island!

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